EXERCISE 3 | Smart art graphic
A SmartArt graphic is a visual representation of your information and ideas. You create one by choosing a layout that fits your message. Some layouts (such as organization charts and Venn diagrams) portray specific kinds of information, while others simply enhance the appearance of a bulleted list.
1.Create A new document, after that find Smart art from the insert menu.
2.Click smart art form insert menu.
3.Select cycle
4.After that insert a photo
5.Insert a photo on this cycle, click the insert button and click the insert pictures.
6.Put the name of the circle in the cycle, and you will see save now.
Hierarchy Chart
1.after you Create a blank docs Go to the insert menu click Smart art.
2.Click hierarchy chart.
3.After that click insert menu and find Insert pictures and click it.
4.Put the name of the box
5.And this is the final result.
1.After you create a blank docs, go to the insert menu and click smart art.
2.And now put your pictures about to your talent skills on the circle.
3.After that add your photo and names of your skills and talents.
4.This is the final result, you can save now.
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